УДК 159.9

  • Evgeniya Valiullina Kemerovo State Medical University Email: valiullinajv@ya.ru
Keywords: personality, procrastination, will, volitional potential, research


The article presents the results of a study of the level of procrastination and volitional potential of a personality among students of 1-2 courses of a medical university. The majority of boys and girls have an average level of procrastination and a high or medium level of volitional potential. A significant negative correlation between these indicators indicates the importance of pronounced values of willpower in overcoming the manifestations of academic procrastination at the initial stages of study at a university.


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Author Biography

Evgeniya Valiullina, Kemerovo State Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology


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How to Cite
1. Valiullina E. ВОЛЕВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ОСВОЕНИЯ УЧЕБНО-ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ СТУДЕНТАМИ МЛАДШИХ КУРСОВ ВУЗА // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2020. Vol. 2. № 4. P. 18-25. URL: http://bppasu.ru/article/view/8938.