УДК 159.9
Age periods of ontogenesis are characterized by different social development situations, leading activities and mental new formations. As an individual grows up, the requirements of society expand, which must be observed and bear responsibility. Responsibility as a personal quality contributes to compliance with the norms and rules of society. In a situation of non-compliance with the requirements of society, the individual may be excluded from social groups, thereby the social inclusion of the individual will be minimized. The purpose of the study is to determine the connection between social inclusion and responsibility in ontogenesis. The methods of scientific research are the analysis of the definitions of “social inclusion” and “responsibility”, the synthesis of the components of social inclusion and responsibility, the formalization of the scheme of social inclusion and responsibility in ontogenesis. The connection between social inclusion and personal responsibility is outlined, common components are identified: motivational, cognitive, performance, behavioral, value and empathy. A scheme has been developed for the connection between social inclusion through the media and society and responsibility in the family, educational and professional spheres of activity.
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