УДК 372

  • Tatiana Alexandrovna Kokodey Sevastopol State University Email:
Keywords: music education, educational system Moodle, IDH, webinars, music


This article addresses the importance of adapting music education for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities (IDH) to digital environments. The study aims to examine the impact of music education on the neurocognitive development of children and youth with intellectual disabilities, and to explore the benefits of utilizing the digital environment, using Moodle as a case study, to conduct online music classes and webinars for this student population. The analysis highlights the potential for enhancing accessibility and providing personalized education, along with the flexibility and convenience of accessing educational materials. Furthermore, through webinars and music classes on the Moodle platform, remote interaction between students and mentors can foster an interest in music and enhance musical skills, irrespective of the participants' physical locations during the educational process.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Alexandrovna Kokodey, Sevastopol State University

Head of the Department of Development of Educational Systems, Professor


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How to Cite
1. Kokodey T. A. ADAPTATION OF MUSIC EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH DISABILITIES THROUGH DIGITAL ADAPTATION WITH LMS MOODLE // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2024. Vol. 6. № 2. P. 34-41. URL: