УДК 372.881.1

  • Yulia Aleksandrovna Mikheeva Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Siberian Management Institution (Novosibirsk branch) Email: mikheeva-ya@ranepa.ru
Keywords: emotional component, role of emotion, teaching blogger, social networks, language blog, humor in teaching, emotional presentation of content


This paper investigates the emotional aspect of educational blogs hosted by English teachers on social networks. By exploring the methods used to deliver educational content, the study highlights the significant role of the emotional component in foreign language acquisition and the development of communicative competence. The emotional element is identified as crucial for students' comprehension and mastery of language content. Particularly, the incorporation of humor in both the language material and its delivery, coupled with emotionally engaging presentations by teaching bloggers, has been found to positively impact students and enhance the effectiveness of learning the material.


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Author Biography

Yulia Aleksandrovna Mikheeva, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Siberian Management Institution (Novosibirsk branch)

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics


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How to Cite
1. Mikheeva Y. A. ENHANCING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2024. Vol. 6. № 1. P. 57-66. URL: http://bppasu.ru/article/view/14910.