УДК 159.9

  • Alexey Olegovich Sharapov Email:
  • Darya Alekseevna Vorotyntseva BSU Email:
  • Olga Ivanovna Grinyova BSU Email:
Keywords: students' life concepts, students' personal value-semantic sphere, personal experience of temporary aspects of life as students, tendency to deviant behavior


The article presents the results of testing a correctional program, the purpose of which is to develop a life concept in students prone to deviant behavior. The study and description of the concepts of the "Life path" is presented in the space of the personal value-semantic sphere and in the space of personal experience of the "temporary" aspects of one's life. Destructive qualities are revealed in the "temporal" and "value-semantic" aspects of students' life concepts (such as life "today" or "yesterday", lack of goals and prospects for "future life", lack of vitality and ability to control life, lack of invariants of choice in improving one's own life). It is established that correctional and developmental work under the program, aimed at developing ideas about personal life path, contributes to reducing the propensity of students to deviant behavior.


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Author Biographies

Alexey Olegovich Sharapov


Darya Alekseevna Vorotyntseva, BSU

Postgraduate student, Assistant at the BSU

Olga Ivanovna Grinyova, BSU




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How to Cite
1. Sharapov A. O., Vorotyntseva D. A., Grinyova O. I. LIFE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS PRONE TO DEVIANT BEHAVIOR // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2022. Vol. 4. № 3. P. 90-91. URL: