The priority direction of the Russian educational policy is the course to improve the quality of education, while in the modern domestic school there is a gradual transition from the idea of mass education to the design of a personal learning space for the purpose of self-determination and self-realization of students. The personalization of education has now become one of the central trends in the world educational practice. One of the lines that is actively developing in this direction is related to the expansion of the use of information technology in the organization of education. The purpose of this article is to reveal the main possibilities of using ICT technologies in the process of personalization of learning in the system of general education. The research methods were comparative analysis and synthesis, generalization, concretization. The article considers modern works on the theory of personalized learning, defines the main components of learning personalization, provides theoretical and pedagogical foundations for personalizing learning for schoolchildren. It is concluded that ICT technologies and modern software make it possible to create the most effective conditions for personalizing learning, taking into account all the key approaches to this educational trend.
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