• Daria Teslenko Altai State University Email:
  • Natalia Svoevolina Email:
Keywords: age crisis, crisis of late adolescence, binge eating disorder, eating disorders, ways of responding


The article analyzes theoretical data on the connection between age periodization and the crisis of late adolescence with professional self-determination. The conceptualization of a case of manifestation of binge eating disorder in a situation of adulthood crisis and a description of the scheme of consolidation of this maladaptive pattern of behavior in graduates of higher educational institutions are given.


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Список литературы:

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5. Houazene S., Leclerc J.B., O’Connor K., Aardema F. “Shame on you”: The impact of shame in body-focused repetitive behaviors and binge eating // Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2021. Vol. 138, March 2021. 103804.
6. Roberts, S., O’Connor, K., & B´elanger, C. Emotion regulation and other psychological models for body-focused repetitive behaviors. // Clinical Psychology Review. 2013. Vol. 33(6). P. 745–762.
7. Schulte E.M., et al., Shared and unique mechanisms underlying binge eating disorder and addictive disorders // Clinical Psychology Review. 2016. Vol. 44. P. 125–139.
How to Cite
1. Teslenko D., Svoevolina N. MANIFESTATION OF COMPULSIVE TRANSFER IN THE CONTEXT OF A JOB SEARCH SITUATION AFTER A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2021. Vol. 3. № 4. P. 169-176. URL: