• Elena Gasparovich Ural federal University Email:
  • Tatyana Nezhinskaia Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University Email:
  • Zeyu Li Ural federal University Email:
Keywords: personnel training, training management in Chinese organizations, cross-analysis of training practice, training management in Russian organizations.


The article present a study is devoted to cross-analysis of personnel training practices in Chinese and Russian companies. Cross-analysis is aimed at identifying the identities and differences in approaches to the organization of this process allows you to study advanced patterns. The successful use of the best developments in the practice of enterprises will enrich the domestic experience in personnel training management. Based on the study, it becomes possible to develop promising directions in the field of practical recommendations for improving the training of personnel of Chinese and Russian organizations.


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Author Biographies

Elena Gasparovich, Ural federal University

Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Psychology

Tatyana Nezhinskaia , Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Music and Computer Technologies, Film and Television

Zeyu Li , Ural federal University

Master student


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10. Gasparovich E.O., Uskova E.V., Dongauzer E.V. The impact of digitalization on employee engagement // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2021. T. 161 NNS. P. 143–150.
11. Uskova E., Gasparovich E. Analysis of the activities of the educational organization through the prism of the «hidden curriculum»: «advantages» of the university before school (search for solutions on the example of the direction of training – «personnel management») // International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, Spain, Madrid, 2019. P. 1011–1020.
How to Cite
1. Gasparovich E., Nezhinskaia T., Li Z. CROSS-ANALYSIS OF STAFF TRAINING PRACTICE IN CHINESE AND RUSSIAN ORGANIZATIONS // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2021. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 21-27. URL: