УДК 378.147.88

  • Alexander Beznosyuk Email: alexbeznosyuk57@gmail.com
Keywords: dual form of education, institution of higher education, student, teacher, school.


Abstract. The main task of introducing dual-form training elements is to eliminate the main shortcomings of traditional forms and methods of teaching future skilled workers, to bridge the gap between theory and practice, education and production, and to improve the quality of training of qualified personnel in the context of employers' training requirements. The article analyzes the experience of the founder of dual education, namely dual education in Germany. Also presented is a dual model of teacher training in the system: institution of higher education-school. Living and learning in a new way, only together, ZVO and the school are able to prepare a specialist who will satisfy the realities of today and the future.


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Список литературы

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How to Cite
1. Beznosyuk A. DUAL FORM OF TRAINING: REALITIES OF TODAY AND THE FUTURE // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2020. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 22-34. URL: http://bppasu.ru/article/view/8079.