• Olga Sagalakova Email:
  • Olga Zhirnova Email:
  • Dmitry Truevtsev Email:
Keywords: syndrome analysis, patho - and neuropsychological diagnostics, violation of mediation and regulation of emotions, mastery of behavior, functional blocks of the brain, attention


The article presents a comparison of the provisions of the cultural-activity approach and the third wave of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the context of emotion regulation. The individual case of the patient with primary violation of regulation of emotions and mastering behavior in situations of stress from the position of integrative patho - and neuropsychological syndrome analysis of mental activity is analyzed. The dynamics of emotional manifestations of the patient and strategies of their regulation were studied. The plan of rehabilitation training and psychocorrection of the considered case is developed.


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How to Cite
1. Sagalakova O., Zhirnova O., Truevtsev D. THE SYNDROMIC ANALYSIS DISORDERS OF VOLUNTARY EMOTION REGULATION AND BEHAVIOR MASTERY (CASE STUDY) // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2019. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 71-98. URL: