• Ольга Сагалакова Email: olgasagalakova@mail.ru
  • Елизавета Подолкина Email: elza.lisaa@gmail.com


Аннотация. В статье рассмотрена проблема механизмов социального тревожного расстройства, социальной тревоги. В исследованиях использованы современные парадигмы и методы (трекинг движения глаз, "dot-probe task"). Обобщены результаты исследований, в которых изучены специфические искажения внимания при социальной тревоге (бдительность и избегание) с учетом типа стимула, продолжительности его предъявления, варьирования множественности стимулов, выраженности социальной тревоги. Показано, что тревога в детско-подростковом возрасте связана с вероятностью возникновения суицидальных мыслей и самоповреждающего поведения. При наличии суицидальных мыслей дети имели схожие нарушения избирательности внимания, как и при социальной тревоге.


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Список литературы:

Сагалакова О.А., Труевцев Д.В., Стоянова И.Я. Синдром социальной фобии и его психологическое содержание // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. № 4. 2017. С. 15–22.

Сагалакова О.А., Труевцев Д.В., Стоянова И.Я. Социальная тревога в подростковом и юношеском возрасте в контексте психологической безопасности // Вопросы психологии. 2016. № 6. С. 63–75.

Tsypesa A., Owens M., Gibba B.E. Suicidal ideation and attentional biases in children: An eye-tracking study // Journal of Affective Disorders. 2017. V. 222. P. 133–137.

Amir N., Freshman M., Foa E. Enhanced Stroop interference for threat in social phobia // Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2002. № 16. Р. 1–9.

Bogels S.M., Mansell W. Attention processes in the maintenance and treatment of social phobia: hypervigilance, avoidance and self-focused attention // Clinical Psychology Review. 2004. № 24. Р. 827–856.

Bradley B.P., Mogg K., Millar N., Bonham-Carter L., Fergusson E., Jenkins J. Attentional biases for emotional faces // Cognition & Emotion. 1997. № 11. Р. 25–42.

Liang C.-W., Tsai J.-L., Hsu W.-Y. Sustained visual attention for competing emotional stimuli in social anxiety: An eye tracking study // J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 2017. № 54. Р. 178–185.

Garner M., Mogg K., Bradley B.P. Orienting and maintenance of gaze to facial expressions in social anxiety // Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2006. V. 115. P. 760–770.

Heinrichs N., Hofmann S.G. Information processing in social phobia: a critical review // Clinical Psychology Review. 2001. V. 21. P. 751–770.

Horenstein M., Segui J. Chronometrics of attentional processes in anxiety disorders // Psychopathology. 1997. V. 30. P. 25–35.

Jovev M., Green M., Chanen A., Cotton S., Coltheart M., Jackson H. Attentional processes and responding to affective faces in youth with borderline personality features // Psychiatry Res. 2012. V. 199. P. 44–50.

Kashdan T.B., Weeks J.W., Savostyanova A.A. Whether, how, and when social anxiety shapes positive experiences and events: A self-regulatory framework and treatment implications // Clinical Psychology Review. 2011. V. 31. P. 786-799.

Liang C.-W., Hsu W.-Y., Hung F.-C., Wang W.-T., Lin C.-H. Absence of a positive bias in social anxiety: The application of a directed forgetting paradigm // Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2011. V. 42. P. 204-210.

Mansell W., Clark D.M., Ehlers A. Social anxiety and attention away from emotional faces // Cognition & Emotion. 1999. № 13. P. 673–690.

Mogg K., Bradley B.P., Miles F., Dixon R. Time course of attentional bias for threat scenes: testing the vigilance-avoidance hypothesis // Cognition &Emotion. 2004. № 18. Р. 689–700.

Nock M.K., Banaji M.R. Prediction of suicide ideation and attempts among adolescents using a brief performance-based test // J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 2007. V. 75. Р. 707–715.

Rapee R.M., Heimberg R. G. A cognitive-behavioral model of anxiety in social phobia // Behaviour Research and Therapy. 1997. V. 35. Р. 741–756.

Staugaard S.R. Threatening faces and social anxiety: a literature review // Clinical Psychology Review. 2010. V. 30. Р. 669–690.

Bantin T., Stevens S., Gerlach A.L., Hermann Ch. What does the facial dot-probe task tell us about attentional processes in social anxiety? A systematic review // J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 2016. V. 50. Р. 40–51.

Weeks J.W., Howell A.N. The bivalent fear of evaluation model of social anxiety: Further integrating findings on fears of positive and negative evaluation // Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 2012. V. 41. Р. 83–95.


Sagalakova O.A., Truevtsev D.V., Stoyanova I.YA. Sindrom social'noj fobii i ego psihologicheskoe soderzhanie // Zhurnal nevrologii i psihiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. № 4. 2017. S. 15–22.

Sagalakova O.A., Truevtsev D.V., Stoyanova I.YA., dr. Social'nayatrevoga v podrostkovomiyunosheskomvozraste v kontekstepsihologicheskojbezopasnosti // Voprosypsihologii. 2016. № 6. S. 63–75.

Tsypesa A., Owens M., Gibba B.E. Suicidal ideation and attentional biases in children: An eye-tracking study // Journal of Affective Disorders. 2017. V. 222. P.133–137.

Amir N., Freshman M., Foa E. Enhanced Stroop interference for threat in social phobia // Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2002. № 16. Р. 1–9.

Bogels S.M., Mansell W. Attention processes in the maintenance and treatment of social phobia: hypervigilance, avoidance and self-focused attention // Clinical Psychology Review. 2004. № 24. Р. 827–856.

Bradley B.P., Mogg K., Millar N., Bonham-Carter L., Fergusson E., Jenkins J. Attentional biases for emotional faces // Cognition & Emotion. 1997. № 11. Р. 25–42.

Liang C.-W., Tsai J.-L., Hsu W.-Y. Sustained visual attention for competing emotional stimuli in social anxiety: An eye tracking study // J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 2017. V. 54. P. 178–185.

Garner M., Mogg K., Bradley B.P. Orienting and maintenance of gaze to facial expressions in social anxiety // Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2006. V. 115. P. 760–770.

Heinrichs N., Hofmann S.G. Information processing in social phobia: a critical review // Clinical Psychology Review. 2001. V. 21. P. 751–770.

Horenstein M., Segui J. Chronometrics of attentional processes in anxiety disorders // Psychopathology. 1997. V. 30. P. 25–35.

Jovev M., Green M., Chanen A., Cotton S., Coltheart M., Jackson H. Attentional processes and responding to affective faces in youth with borderline personality features // Psychiatry Res. 2012. V. 199. P. 44–50.

Kashdan T.B., Weeks J.W., Savostyanova A.A. Whether, how, and when social anxiety shapes positive experiences and events: A self-regulatory framework and treatment implications // Clinical Psychology Review. 2011. V. 31. P. 786–799.

Liang C.-W., Hsu W.-Y., Hung F.-C., Wang W.-T., Lin C.-H. Absence of a positive bias in social anxiety: The application of a directed forgetting paradigm // Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2011. V. 42. P. 204–210.

Mansell W., Clark D.M., Ehlers A. Social anxiety and attention away from emotional faces // Cognition & Emotion. 1999. V. 13. P. 673–690.

Mogg K., Bradley B.P., Miles F., Dixon R. Time course of attentional bias for threat scenes: testing the vigilance-avoidance hypothesis // Cognition &Emotion. 2004. V. 18. P. 689–700.

Nock M.K., Banaji M.R. Prediction of suicide ideation and attempts among adolescents using a brief performance-based test // J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 2007. V. 75. P. 707–715.

Rapee R.M., Heimberg R. G. A cognitive-behavioral model of anxiety in social phobia // Behaviour Research and Therapy. 1997. V. 35. P. 741–756.

Staugaard S.R. Threatening faces and social anxiety: a literature review // Clinical Psychology Review. 2010. V. 30. P. 669–690.

Bantin T., Stevens S., Gerlach A.L., Hermann Ch. What does the facial dot-probe task tell us about attentional processes in social anxiety? A systematic review // J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 2016. V. 50. P. 40–51.

Weeks J.W., Howell A.N. The bivalent fear of evaluation model of social anxiety: Further integrating findings on fears of positive and negative evaluation // Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 2012. V. 41. P. 83–95.

How to Cite
1. Сагалакова О., Подолкина Е. ИСКАЖЕНИЕ ВНИМАНИЯ ПРИ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ТРЕВОГЕ: ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ МЕТОДА ТРЕКИНГА ДВИЖЕНИЯ ГЛАЗ // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2017. № 4. P. 90-103. URL: http://bppasu.ru/article/view/3528.