Health saving is taking into account the impact on the preservation of the health of the subjects of the educational process of a number of factors, among which the work of the teacher in this direction has a leading significance.
The purpose of this study was to assess the image of a teacher as a factor influencing his readiness for health-saving activities.
An analysis of the existing ideas allowed us to consider the teacher's image as an image-representation, including a system of its internal, external and procedural components, as well as the subject-spatial environment for the implementation of his professional activities.
A study was made of the formation of such elements of the internal component of the teacher's image as: health culture, values, attitudes, the ability to empathize, procedural, as well as their influence on readiness for health-saving activities.
The results obtained indicate that teachers who are ready to use health-saving technologies in their professional activities have a positive attitude towards their profession and strive for self-realization, although material encouragement of their activities is also of no small importance. They have a greater ability to empathize and a democratic style of communication. Correlation analysis showed that the most important place in the health-oriented professional position of a teacher is the formation of a culture of health.
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