• Natalia Luzhbina Altai State University Email: n.a.luzhbina@gmail.com
  • Olga Chernyshova Altai State University Email: chernyshova82@mail.ru
  • Adlet Kariev Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University Email: adlet.kari@mail.ru
Keywords: the image of the physical


The purpose of our study was to identify the features of the image of the physical "I" of women engaged in "soft techniques" of fitness (Pilates technique, yoga, myofascial release, stretching, etc.). The sample consisted of 40 women aged 30-44 years (adult) and 36 women 45-60 years old (mature age). The choice of the age categories of women is due to the fact that at the age of 45, physiological changes begin to occur in the female body, associated with the withering of corporeality and the slowing down of the reproductive system, as well as the revision of their social and family roles by women. The main methods that allow identifying and describing the components of the image of the physical "I" are based on psychosemantic and projective approaches in defining the phenomena of the psychological space of a person. In this study, we used the graphic projective test by K. Makhover "Human drawing" and the methodology "Evaluative and meaningful interpretation of the components of the external appearance" by V.А. Labunskaya modified by N.A. Luzhbina. With the help of the projective technique "Human drawing" it was possible to reveal that for women of different ages in the image of the physical "I" the components "femininity" and "consistency of body parts" are accentuated. The conducted factor analysis showed that behavior plays an important role in the perception of corporeality for adult women, and for women of mature age - the design of their external appearance. The results of the research can be used in the provision of psychological assistance and support to women of different ages in harmonizing the image of the physical "I".


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14. Kim S.T., Lee J.H. The effects of Pilates breathing trainings on trunk muscle activation in healthy female subjects: a prospective study. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2017. 29(2). 194–197. URL: https:// doi: 10.1589/jpts.29.194 (data obrashcheniya: 21.10.2021).
15. Lim E.J, Park J.E. The Impacts of Pilates and Yoga on Health-Promoting Behaviors and Subjective Health Status. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health. 2021.18(7): 3802. URL: https:// doi: 10.3390/ijerph18073802 (data obrashcheniya: 23.10.2021).
How to Cite
1. Luzhbina N., Chernyshova O., Kariev A. FEATURES OF THE IMAGE OF THE PHYSICAL "I" OF WOMEN ENGAGED IN "SOFT TECHNIQUES" OF FITNESS // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2021. Vol. 3. № 4. P. 70-81. URL: http://bppasu.ru/article/view/10614.