Author Guidelines

"Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University" invites scientists, teachers, doctoral students, postgraduates, graduate students, undergraduates, students of Russia and foreign countries - all those who are concerned about psychological and pedagogical problems, to publish the results of research.

General information

- The journal is published both in the usual free form and in the form of thematic issues on specific problems;

- the materials of the journal are placed in the national information and analytical system RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index): and can be found on the website;

- eISSN 2500-3135;

- main sections are psychology and pedagogy;

- publication frequency - 4 times a year.

For publication in the electronic periodical scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Altai State University", previously unpublished articles and methodological developments written in Russian or English in the sections of the journal are accepted:



- general psychology;

- age-related psychology;

- clinical psychology;

- social Psychology;

- psychology of Personality;

- pedagogical psychology.


- general pedagogy;

-didactics and theory of education;

- history of pedagogy and education;

- Pedagogy of vocational education

- Pedagogy of higher education;

- innovative educational technologies;

- modern problems of education.


It is also possible to place in the journal information about the publication of monographs, textbooks, manuals and other information that may arouse interest among readers. The cost of placing advertising information is negotiable.

Articles are checked for plagiarism and are accompanied by double-blind reviews.

The maximum number of returns for revision is two. After receiving a positive conclusion, the article is published in the next issue of the journal free of charge. 

To publish, you must : 1) register as the author of the publication on the site. 2) send the article (in doc or docx format ) to the address:

Article formatting guidelines

The volume of the publication is 5-10 pages of typewritten text.

Editor - Microsoft Word 2010. Format - A4

Margins - 2 cm on all sides

Font - Time New Roman

Font size for the entire article (except for abstracts, tables and figures) - 14 pt.

Font size in annotations, tables and figures - 12 pt.

Paragraph indent - 1 cm.

Line spacing - in the abstract 1 (single), in the main text of the article - 1.5 (one and a half).

Page alignment.

Pages are not numbered.

All abbreviations must be deciphered.

Only vertical figures and tables can be used. The names and numbers of figures should be indicated below the figures. The names and numbers of the tables are above the figures. If the requirements are not met, the objects will be deleted.

The list of references is obligatory. References to the cited literature are given in square brackets, for example, [2]. If it is necessary to indicate the pages, the link is formatted as follows: [2, p. 205].

References is drawn up in alphabetical order in accordance with GOST 7.05-2008.


Name of all authors. Name of the book. City: publisher, year. Number of pages.


Ralnikova I.A., Gurova O.S., Ipolitova E.A. Life prospects of the individual: risks of reproduction of deviant behavior. Barnaul: Publishing House Alt . un-ta, 2012. 286 p.

Articles from collections

Name of all authors. Article title. / Name of the collection. City: publisher, year. Number of pages or first and last page.


Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Life prospects of personality / Psychology of personality and lifestyle. M. : Nauka, 1987. S. 138 - 144.

Articles from the magazine

Name of all authors. Article title. // Journal name. Year. Number. First and last page.


Morosanova V.I. Personal aspects of self-regulation of voluntary human activity // Psychological journal. 2002. Volume 23, No. 6. S. 5 - 17.

Internet source

Source name. URL :


Titaeva N.V., Markeeva A.N. Formation of universal learning activities in the classroom and after school hours on subjects of art / / Problems and prospects for the development of education : materials of the VI Intern . scientific conf . Perm: Mercury, 2015, pp. 44–47. URL: (date of access: 05/25/2019).

Link to dissertation or abstract


Name of the author. Title of work: dis . … cand. psychol. Sciences. City, year. Number of pages or first and last page.

Isakov M. V. Indicators and structure of subjectivity (based on the formation of professional subjectivity among university students): dis . … cand. psychol. Sciences. M., 2008. 199 p.

Isakov M.V. Indicators and structure of subjectivity (based on the formation of professional subjectivity among university students): author . dis . … cand. psychol. Sciences. M., 2008. 199 p.

The order of placement of materials:

1) UDC

2) the title of the article (capital letters, bold, center alignment, font 14 pt., spacing 1.0) in Russian



2) information about the authors:

- full name in Russian in the nominative case (bold italic, center alignment, font 14 pt., spacing 1.0);

- the position of each author, the full name of the organization - place of work , country, city (in Russian in the nominative case);

- email address for each author;


Ivanova Ekaterina Sergeevna

undergraduate, Altai State University, master student, Barnaul, Russia

e - mail :

3) annotation in Russian, up to 1000 characters, including the goal, listing the main methods and results (font 12 pt., spacing 1.0);

4) keywords (5-7) in Russian ( font 12 pt., spacing 1.0);

5) translation of the title, information about the authors, annotations, keywords into English.

6) the text of the article (font 14 pt., spacing 1.5) (introduction, review of modern publications, relevance, clearly formulated purpose of the work, description of research methods and samples, results obtained and their discussion, conclusion with conclusions);

7) the list of references in Russian according to GOST 7.05-2008 (font 14 pt., spacing 1.0) includes at least 10 sources, of which 50% with a search depth of 10 years;

8) a list of references from the letters of the Latin alphabet using a transliterator (

9) Signatures are placed under figures and above tables.

10) numbers of figures and tables are marked in the text: fig. 1, tab. 2


MS submission

The submission must contain 2 separate files:

- author's statement (Surname - statement);

- research ms (Surname - article);



To the editors of the journal "Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Altai State University"


I ask you to publish an article in the journal "Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Altai State University" (article title)

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Article authors:


Work performed at (full name of institution)


Scientific adviser (for graduate students, undergraduates, students)


Please conduct all correspondence regarding the publication with (full name).

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I am aware that I bear full responsibility for the content of this article and for the very fact of its publication

Compilation date

Full name (full name)

Please send materials by e-mail marked "Publication in the journal".

Thank you for your cooperation!


Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered on this journal's website will be used solely for the purposes indicated by this journal and will not be used for any other purpose or provided to other individuals and organizations.