• Yana Smirnova Altai State University Email:
  • Анелина Кудинова Altai State University Email:
Keywords: imitation, imitation, mental model, preschool age, age-related development, atypical development, mental retardation, intellectual disability, preschool age


The article discusses the deficiency of the mental model from the point of view of the difficulties of translating the perspective of another person's actions into the perspective of one's own actions in the process of imitation. In order to identify the role of cognitive development in the formation of imitative ability, a comparative analysis is carried out on a sample of children with varying degrees of intellectual disabilities. The sample consisted of 69 typically developing preschoolers, preschoolers with mental retardation (class F80-F89, according to ICD-10) and intellectual disabilities (class F70-F79 according to ICD-10). In the experimental situation, it was possible to see and fix the specific features of the manifestation of a violation of the imitation mechanism, a deficit in the mental model, as well as a violation of understanding and manifestation of emotions as the most important component of social cognition. There were found group differences in the ability to imitate in children with different levels of cognitive development in relation to the level of the mental model. It has been shown that disorders associated with imitation can act as universal symptoms to explain the deficit in the development of the mental model. The analysis of the research results allows us to conclude that for the productive execution of simulation schemes, a threshold level of cognitive development is required, which provides understanding and recognition of the mental states of another person.


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Author Biographies

Yana Smirnova , Altai State University

associate professor

Анелина Кудинова , Altai State University

4th year student, Institute of Psychology


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How to Cite
1. Smirnova Y., Кудинова А. THE ROLE OF IMITATION SKILLS IN THE SOCIAL COGNITION OF CHILDREN WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2021. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 116-137. URL: