• Alexander Smirnov Email: k-66756@planet-a.ru
  • Vyacheslav Gvardychenko Email: vgvard@mail.ru
Keywords: individuality, social adaptation, social inclusion, socio-cultural environment, deviant behavior, addictiveness.


Abstract. Authors of the article present to the readers the results of empirical studies conducted by them in the period of March-April 2019, during which a number of permanent contradictions were studied, accidentally discovered in the individuality of businessmen, the economic success of which is beyond doubt. Such contradictions include, for example, social inclusion and activity during the implementation of business projects and almost total social self-isolation after their completion; prosocial orientation of activity and belief in their rejection by culture; economic productivity of projects and a chronic sense of personal unrealization; social adaptation and destructive conflict in relations with partners and subordinates; a high level of management culture within the enterprise and impulsiveness, unpredictability of their own actions and decisions; a high level of business organization and violation of social, cultural, ethical standards in their own behavior, etc. These phenomena indicate contradictions in the picture of the individuality of successful businessmen. These contradictions were the subject of research, the results of which, with some abbreviations, are presented in this article.


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Список литературы:

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How to Cite
1. Smirnov A., Gvardychenko V. "STRANGE PEOPLE" OR "PARADOXES" OF INDIVIDUALITY OF THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2020. Vol. 2. № 3. P. 76-95. URL: http://bppasu.ru/article/view/8492.