УДК 159.9.07

  • Natalya Fokina Email:
  • Ekaterina Chizhova Email:
Keywords: jealousy, early maladaptive schemas, schema therapy, cognitive behavioral approach, jealousy research


Abstract. The article describes the understanding of the phenomenon of "jealousy" by various authors. The list of early maladaptive schemes compiled by J. Young is given. The authors presented and analyzed the results of a study of the relationship of jealousy and early maladaptive schemes by J. Young. Differences in the index of jealousy, as well as the relationship of the index of jealousy with the schemes of J. Young in groups of men and women are revealed. Men are more likely to experience jealousy than women. For women, the indicator of jealousy is interconnected with beliefs about one's own helplessness and intolerance towards people's mistakes. In men, the experience of jealousy is triggered by beliefs about the need for a woman to comply with strict rules, the fear of rejection.


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How to Cite
1. Fokina N., Chizhova E. SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE OF JEALOUSY IN THE CONTEXT OF EARLY MALADAPTIVE SCHEMES // Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University, 2020. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 102-109. URL:

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