УДК 159.9.07
The relevance of this issue is determined by research in the context of the aspect of team building in the innovation and project activity of a manager. This study reveals approaches to the management of project teams, when the key position of the manager is determined, including through the role of the team. The study of the individual typological traits of a leader shows the features of the psychological portrait of such a leader, his motivational personality profile in the context of a leading team role. The schemes to organize and manage a project team are revealed, which act as a working tool for promoting and solving organization image problems, functioning in a limited period of time, demonstrating the difficulties of managing project team.
The predictors were identified based on a correlation-regression analysis of two groups of project team leaders with different management experience (up to 2 years and in a group with management experience up to 5 years), linking motivation, individual typological characteristics, and team roles, depending on the work experience in management activities.
Based on the results of the study, a structure of individual typological characteristics of project team leaders was formed in the context of team roles, taking into account their managerial experience.
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