УДК 159.922.7
Целью исследования статьи является изучение тревоги как фактора тактильной депривации в детстве. Осуществлен теоретический анализ исследований тактильной депривации у детей и животных. На основе теоретического анализа проведено экспериментально-психологическое исследование. Исследование рассматривает взаимосвязь тактильной депривации в детстве и тревоги во взрослой жизни у 190 респондентов. Полученные результаты исследования предполагают, что уровень тревоги может быть связан с количеством тактильных контактов в детстве, где их недостаток ведет к тревожным состояниям и препятствует нормальному сенсорному и эмоциональному развитию ребенка, что, в свою очередь, ухудшает психическое здоровье.
Александрова М.И. Влияние тревожности на тактильное восприятие детей // Психологическая наука. 2021.Т. 5 № 2. С. 65–78.
Леонтьев А.Н. Психическое развитие детей в условиях депривации. СПб. : Питер, 2019.
Полуэктова О.Н. Роль сенсорного развития в детстве // Психология развития. 2018. Т. 3. № 4. С. 25–36.
Шадриков В.Д. Психологические механизмы тревожности у детей. М.: Издательство Академии. 2020.
Bredy T.W., Grant R.J., Champagne D.L., Meaney M.J. Maternal care influences neuronal survival in the hippocampus of the rat. Eur J Neurosci. 2003. Vol. 8. P. 2903–2909. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2003.02965.x.
Cady S.H., Jones G.E. Massage therapy as a workplace intervention for reduction of stress. Percept Mot Skills. 1997. Vol. 84. P. 157–158. doi: 10.2466/pms.1997.84.1.157.
Casler L. The effects of extra tactile stimulation on a group of institutionalized infants. Genet Psychol Monogr. 1965. Vol. 71. P. 137–175.
Caldji C., Tannenbaum B., Sharma S., Francis D., Plotsky P.M., Meaney M.J. Maternal care during infancy regulates the development of neural systems mediating the expression of fearfulness in the rat. PNAS USA. 1998. Vol. 95. P. 5335–5340. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.9.5335.
Field T., Ironson G., Scafidi F., et al. Massage therapy reduces anxiety and enhances EEG pattern of alertness and math computations. Int. J. Neurosci. 1996. Vol.86. P. 197–205. doi: 10.3109/00207459608986710.
Field T., Peck M., Krugman S., et al. Burn injuries benefit from massage therapy. J. Burn Care Rehabil. 1998. Vol. 19. P. 241–244. doi: 10.1097/00004630-199805000-00010.
Field T. Infants' need for touch. Human Development. 2002. Vol. 45. № 2. P. 100-104.
Field T., Schanberg S.M., Scafidi F., et al. Effects of tactile/kinesthetic stimulation on preterm neonates. Pediatrics. 1986. Vol. 77. P. 654–658.
Francis D., Diorio J., Liu D., Meaney M.J. Nongenomic transmission across generations of maternal behavior and stress responses in the rat. Science. 1999. Vol. 286. P. 1155–1158. doi: 10.1126/science.286.5442.1155.
Frank D.A., Klass P.E., Earls F., Eisenberg L. Infants and young children in orphanages: One view from pediatrics and child psychiatry. Pediatrics. 1996. Vol. 97. P. 569–578.
Feldman R., Eidelman A.I., Sirota L., Weller A. Comparison of skin-to-skin (kangaroo) and traditional care: Parenting outcomes and preterm infant development. Pediatrics. 2002. Vol. 110. P. 16–26. doi: 10.1542/peds.110.1.16.
Gonzalez A., Lovic V., Ward G.R., Wainwright P.E., Fleming A.S. Intergenerational effects of complete maternal deprivation and replacement stimulation on maternal behavior and emotionality in female rats. Dev Psychobiol. 2001. Vol. 38. P. 11–32. doi: 10.1002/1098-2302(2001)38:1
Hammett F.S. Studies of the thyroid apparatus: V. The significance of the comparative mortality rates of parathyroidectomized wild Norway rats and excitable and non-excitable albino rats. Endocrinology. 1922. Vol. 6. P. 221–229.
Harlow H.F. The Nature of Love. American Psychologist. 1958. Vol. 13. № 12. P. 673-685.
Hart S., Field T., Hernandez-Reif M., et al. Anorexia nervosa symptoms are reduced by massage therapy. Eat Disord. 2001. Vol. 9. P. 289–299. doi: 10.1080/106402601753454868.
Hopper H.E., Pinneau S.R. Frequency of regurgitation in infancy as related to the amount of stimulation received from the mother. Child Dev. 1957.Vol. 28. P. 229–235. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.1957.tb05978.x.
Ironson G., Field T., Scafidi F., et al. Massage therapy is associated with enhancement of the immune system’s cytotoxic capacity. Int. J. Neurosci. 1996. Vol. 84. P. 205–217. doi: 10.3109/00207459608987266.
Kolb B., Gibb R. Brain plasticity and recovery from early cortical injury. Dev Psychobiol. 2007. Vol. 49. P. 107–118. doi: 10.1002/dev.20199.
Liu D., Diorio J., Day J.C., Francis D.D., Meaney M.J. Maternal care, hippocampal synaptogenesis and cognitive development in rats. Nat Neurosci. 2000. Vol. 3. P. 799–806. doi: 10.1038/77702.
Liu D., Diorio J., Tannenbaum B., et al. Maternal care, hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress. Science. 1997. Vol. 277. P. 1659–1662. doi: 10.1126/science.277.5332.1659.
Lovic V., Fleming A.S. Artificially-reared female rats show reduced prepulse inhibition and deficits in the attentional set shifting task – reversal of effects with maternal-like licking stimulation. Behav Brain Res. 2004. Vol. 148. P. 209–219. doi: 10.1016/s0166-4328(03)00206-7.
Rai S., Rankin C.H. Reversing the effects of early isolation on behavior, size and gene expression. Dev Neurobiol. 2007. Vol. 67. P. 1443–1456. doi: 10.1002/dneu.20522.
Rose J.K., Sangha S., Rai S., Norman K.R., Rankin C.H. Decreased sensory stimulation reduces behavioral responding, retards development and alters neuronal connectivity in Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Neurosci. 2005. Vol. 25. P. 7159–7168. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1833-05.2005.
Scafidi F., Field T., Schanberg S.M., et al. Effects of tactile/kinesthetic stimulation and sleep/wake behavior of preterm neonates. Infant Behav Dev. 1986. Vol. 9. P. 91–105.
Shulman K.R., Jones G.E. The effectiveness of massage therapy intervention on reducing anxiety in the work place. J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1996. Vol. 32. P. 160–173.
Weaver I.C., Cervoni N., Champagne F.A., et al. Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior. Nat Neurosci. 2004. Vol. 7. P. 847–854. doi: 10.1038/nn1276.
Weaver I.C.G., Meaney M.J., Szyf M. Maternal care effects on the hippocampal transcriptome and anxiety-mediated behaviors in the offspring that are reversible in adulthood. PNAS USA. 2006. Vol. 103. P. 3480–3485. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0507526103.
White J.B., Southgate E., Thomson J.N., Brenner S. The structure of the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 1986. Vol. 314. P. 1–340. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1986.0056.
Aleksandrova M.I. Vlijanie trevozhnosti na taktil'noe vosprijatie detej. Psihologicheskaja nauka. 2021. T. 5, № 2. S. 65–78.
Leont'ev A.N. Psihicheskoe razvitie detej v uslovijah deprivacii. SPb. : Piter, 2019.
Polujektova O.N. Rol' sensornogo razvitija v detstve. Psihologija razvitija. 2018. T. 3. № 4. S. 25–36.
Shadrikov V.D. Psihologicheskie mehanizmy trevozhnosti u detej. M.: Izdatel'stvo Akademii. 2020.
Bredy T.W., Grant R.J., Champagne D.L., Meaney M.J. Maternal care influences neuronal survival in the hippocampus of the rat. Eur J Neurosci. 2003. Vol. 8. P. 2903–2909. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2003.02965.x.
Cady S.H., Jones G.E. Massage therapy as a workplace intervention for reduction of stress. Percept Mot Skills. 1997. Vol. 84. P. 157–158. doi: 10.2466/pms.1997.84.1.157.
Casler L. The effects of extra tactile stimulation on a group of institutionalized infants. Genet Psychol Monogr. 1965. Vol. 71. P. 137–175.
Caldji C., Tannenbaum B., Sharma S., Francis D., Plotsky P.M., Meaney M.J. Maternal care during infancy regulates the development of neural systems mediating the expression of fearfulness in the rat. PNAS USA. 1998. Vol. 95. P. 5335–5340. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.9.5335.
Field T., Ironson G., Scafidi F., et al. Massage therapy reduces anxiety and enhances EEG pattern of alertness and math computations. Int. J. Neurosci. 1996. Vol.86. P. 197–205. doi: 10.3109/00207459608986710.
Field T., Peck M., Krugman S., et al. Burn injuries benefit from massage therapy. J. Burn Care Rehabil. 1998. Vol. 19. P. 241–244. doi: 10.1097/00004630-199805000-00010.
Field T. Infants' need for touch. Human Development. 2002. Vol. 45. № 2. P. 100-104.
Field T., Schanberg S.M., Scafidi F., et al. Effects of tactile/kinesthetic stimulation on preterm neonates. Pediatrics. 1986. Vol. 77. P. 654–658.
Francis D., Diorio J., Liu D., Meaney M.J. Nongenomic transmission across generations of maternal behavior and stress responses in the rat. Science. 1999. Vol. 286. P. 1155–1158. doi: 10.1126/science.286.5442.1155.
Frank D.A., Klass P.E., Earls F., Eisenberg L. Infants and young children in orphanages: One view from pediatrics and child psychiatry. Pediatrics. 1996. Vol. 97. P. 569–578.
Feldman R., Eidelman A.I., Sirota L., Weller A. Comparison of skin-to-skin (kangaroo) and traditional care: Parenting outcomes and preterm infant development. Pediatrics. 2002. Vol. 110. P. 16–26. doi: 10.1542/peds.110.1.16.
Gonzalez A., Lovic V., Ward G.R., Wainwright P.E., Fleming A.S. Intergenerational effects of complete maternal deprivation and replacement stimulation on maternal behavior and emotionality in female rats. Dev Psychobiol. 2001. Vol. 38. P. 11–32. doi: 10.1002/1098-2302(2001)38:1
Hammett F.S. Studies of the thyroid apparatus: V. The significance of the comparative mortality rates of parathyroidectomized wild Norway rats and excitable and non-excitable albino rats. Endocrinology. 1922. Vol. 6. P. 221–229.
Harlow H. F. The Nature of Love. American Psychologist. 1958. Vol. 13. № 12. P. 673-685.
Hart S., Field T., Hernandez-Reif M., et al. Anorexia nervosa symptoms are reduced by massage therapy. Eat Disord. 2001. Vol. 9. P. 289–299. doi: 10.1080/106402601753454868.
Hopper H.E., Pinneau S.R. Frequency of regurgitation in infancy as related to the amount of stimulation received from the mother. Child Dev. 1957.Vol. 28. P. 229–235. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.1957.tb05978.x.
Ironson G., Field T., Scafidi F., et al. Massage therapy is associated with enhancement of the immune system’s cytotoxic capacity. Int. J. Neurosci. 1996. Vol. 84. P. 205–217. doi: 10.3109/00207459608987266.
Kolb B., Gibb R. Brain plasticity and recovery from early cortical injury. Dev Psychobiol. 2007. Vol. 49. P. 107–118. doi: 10.1002/dev.20199.
Liu D., Diorio J., Day J.C., Francis D.D., Meaney M.J. Maternal care, hippocampal synaptogenesis and cognitive development in rats. Nat Neurosci. 2000. Vol. 3. P. 799–806. doi: 10.1038/77702.
Liu D., Diorio J., Tannenbaum B., et al. Maternal care, hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress. Science. 1997. Vol. 277. P. 1659–1662. doi: 10.1126/science.277.5332.1659.
Lovic V., Fleming A.S. Artificially-reared female rats show reduced prepulse inhibition and deficits in the attentional set shifting task – reversal of effects with maternal-like licking stimulation. Behav Brain Res. 2004. Vol. 148. P. 209–219. doi: 10.1016/s0166-4328(03)00206-7.
Rai S., Rankin C.H. Reversing the effects of early isolation on behavior, size and gene expression. Dev Neurobiol. 2007. Vol. 67. P. 1443–1456. doi: 10.1002/dneu.20522.
Rose J.K., Sangha S., Rai S., Norman K.R., Rankin C.H. Decreased sensory stimulation reduces behavioral responding, retards development and alters neuronal connectivity in Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Neurosci. 2005. Vol. 25. P. 7159–7168. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1833-05.2005.
Scafidi F., Field T., Schanberg S.M., et al. Effects of tactile/kinesthetic stimulation and sleep/wake behavior of preterm neonates. Infant Behav Dev. 1986. Vol. 9. P. 91–105.
Shulman K.R., Jones G.E. The effectiveness of massage therapy intervention on reducing anxiety in the work place. J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 1996. Vol. 32. P. 160–173.
Weaver I.C., Cervoni N., Champagne F.A., et al. Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior. Nat Neurosci. 2004. Vol. 7. P. 847–854. doi: 10.1038/nn1276.
Weaver I.C.G., Meaney M.J., Szyf M. Maternal care effects on the hippocampal transcriptome and anxiety-mediated behaviors in the offspring that are reversible in adulthood. PNAS USA. 2006. Vol. 103. P. 3480–3485. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0507526103.
White J.B., Southgate E., Thomson J.N., Brenner S. The structure of the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 1986. Vol. 314. P. 1–340. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1986.0056.
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